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art by Katy Helman

Be Grateful to Everyone

This summer Pema Chodron spoke about a Buddhist teaching on how to transform misfortune and suffering into the path of awakening. Certain instructions are given in how hard times and adversity can be dealt with in a way that moves toward enlightenment. It's basically telling one how to deal with the inevitable struggles in life.

Drum roll...The main advice is...

So how could it be? How could that help? Pema described that this piece of advice is another way of saying...

Soften what is rigid in your heart. Live your life in a way that takes down barriers rather than puts them up. Work with difficulty in a way that plants seeds for the future. Remember, where we are now is a result of all the seeds that have been planted up to now. This cause and effect phenomena happens to individuals, to societies, and the world as a whole. Whatever mess arises (big or small), it is a result of all the seeds (states of mind) that have come before. So when we feel gratitude for everyone it is sowing the right seeds.

Being grateful to everyone is no small task and frankly, I'm just miserable at it! Yet, I deeply know it is the right thing to do. Plain and simple it makes me feel good. I know how good it feels to be in harmony with people and I know how good it feels to drop a grudge. I know when tears come to my eyes that truth and love are present. Being grateful for the beings I share life with is to be grateful for everyone.

When we tighten into the rigidity of the judging mind, we can't receive anything good. Instead of bringing us closer, negative and aggressive feelings create isolation and widen the gap between us and others. So failing miserably is no reason for me to stop practicing gratitude. The key word here is practice. Catch it when you drift into negativity and return again to the practice without giving yourself a hard time.

Gratitude is synonymous with tenderness, compassion, caring, empathy, love, and kindness. These states make us feel good. Simply put, they are enjoyable in both body and mind and bring us closer to others. The cultivation of these states will be part of our yoga practice this Fall. I will offer ideas and share inspiring gratitude stories as we practice. Perhaps you will try beginning each day making your own gratitude list. When you notice worry and fear are present, try switching to noticing what you appreciate. Also, when you notice you are feeling gratitude, really let it soak in for awhile; truly notice it in your body.

Finding gratitude in situations we don't like or want of course presents us with our biggest challenge. If you catch yourself there, drop into your body and notice how different it feels to tighten in around something. Usually there is an active story line increasing tension and constriction. It is a great time to drop the reinforcing story. It is said that any feeling not reinforced with more thoughts will evaporate in ninety seconds.

As we journey through this Fall practicing together, let's keep awakening our hearts, lessening the isolation and transforming our difficulties with practices of gratitude, warmth and tenderness.

With heartfelt appreciation,

with Chris Morton On ZOOM!

13 Week Fall Session
Sept 2 - Dec 21, 2024
(no class 9/9-9/14, 2 other weeks off TBA)

$17 drop-in
$260 twice/week


MONDAY/Chair Yoga



There are two ways for me to receive payments for this yoga session or for drop in classes. My preferred way is for you to send me a check made out to Chris Morton to my home address, 8 Beck Street, Newburyport, MA 01950. You can also CLICK HERE to make a payment to my Paypal account.

If you are experiencing financial difficulty, please let me know and I will waive your payment.

I sign into all Zoom classes a half hour early to talk with students. Please feel free to get on early to say hi, to ask a question about a pose and/or if you want to find a modification to accommodate a physical limitation.

The expanded size of my studio on Zoom allows for larger classes. Thank you for spreading the word about Anahata Yoga on Zoom. Interested people can give me call or send an email.

Gift Certificates are available for classes, programs and private sessions.
Email Chris for details!

Tuesday Meditation & Book Group

Tuesdays 8:00-9:00am
Virtual sessions on ZOOM
$130 for 13 sessions

The Wisdom of Yoga book cover

image of room with fireplace

In Person Classes

Do you want to meet in person to discover ways to address an ongoing tightness in your body?

Would you like to experience anatomical cues and hands-on adjustments in a posture clinic?

Would you like to attend a small restorative yoga class?

Are you just wanting to get off Zoom and do yoga in person?

Zoom yoga classes will continue and I will be offering private and small group sessions (up to 4 participants) in my home.

Possibilities include:

• Yoga
• Meditation
• Yogassage
• Posture Clinic
• Yoga on the Ball
• Restorative Yoga Poses
• The Yoga of Eating
• Preparing or recovering from surgery

Cost: $100 for an hour yogassage, $25 per person for a group of 4, $50 for group of 2, and $75 for an hour private session

Private and small group classes will require protective measures such as vaccinations, masking, and possibly testing.

Please email or call if you have questions and/or would like to schedule a session.



8 Beck Street
Newburyport, MA 01950